Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 32

Yesterday was a break for me, went out and had a blast with some good friends... and made some new ones as well. Tonight I am back in the saddle so to speak LOL.

40 minutes
1.89 miles
786 calories

I really pushed myself the last 10 minutes, increased my speed from an average of 2.7 miles per hour, to about 3.0 miles per hour. I initially increased the speed with the intention of holding it for 2-4 minutes, but kept it up for the last 10. I'm pretty impressed at that I could maintain that.

I also did a number of arm exercises, only using 5lbs, but that will increase with time. This came about after I had to ask my neighbor to start the gas mower for me, I realized that I need to work on my poor muscles a little bit... they've been sorely neglected the last few years, only carrying around kids. So, I will alternate days between upper body and lower body. I suspect that I will enjoy the results from those efforts as much as the weight loss so far.

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