Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 19

So, I had a very good workout on the elliptical today, as follows. I had only planned on 30 minutes, but felt that I could continue on at that point. Those last few minutes were very hard though!

35 minutes
1.55 miles
640 calories

I then did 20 deep seated squats, and some arm workouts with 5lbs weights. I am feeling really good about where my body is headed, I am looking forward to being as fit as when I danced almost 20 years ago, or even in better shape... it's just too bad that I won't get a flat abdomen without some surgical help.

I am now thinking about what to reward myself with when I get to my goal weight, there are many options to choose from. Of course there is the shopping trips, but that will need to happen no matter what. I'm really leaning towards getting a few more tattoo's. I would like to get a stop light tattoo with the colours in a different order, Green (Monkey), Red (Bug), and Yellow (Little Man). I would also like to get a nice front, side and back sweeping tattoo of possibly the boys flowers??? That one is a little trickier to decide on, at least I will have some time.

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