Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 56

I came so close to not getting downstairs tonight, I kept trying to come up with excuses to not work out. The kitchen needs to be cleaned, the laundry folded and put away, the floors washed. I didn't listen to those thoughts, but went down and got 45 minutes in. I don't have exact numbers tonight, as I was close to finishing the stupid machine reset to zero! I can't wait until I can get a new machine, this one is okay (especially for what I paid for it), but since I am using it so much I would prefer something a little better. It might also be an idea to get one that is quieter for the new house, won't have the space to keep the squeaky noises away from the sleeping boys. Would love to get something better, but will just have to wait and see.

I did get upper body work done, and I think it's almost time to get some bigger weights. I'm using 5lbs for everything right now, and have noticed that some of my exercises are getting rather easy. Will see what is out there, and just how much as well.

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