Saturday, November 6, 2010

Working my way back

It's been an uphill battle getting myself back on track, and I'm still a long way from being there.  I'm making a rule for myself, one that I will not break until I am 100% back on track.

I will not sit down to watch TV until I have completed a workout that day, or I must jump on my elliptical while I watch.

Tonight while watching Fringe I managed to get 35 minutes completed, it was much harder than it should have been.  I have two big events coming up for 2011.

The first one is that Bug wants his birthday party (5th) held at a Wave Pool, which will be in early January.  This means that I will be in a swimsuit around my ex... yuck!  I do and don't care about him seeing me in a swimsuit, but I do want to look good!  I know that I look so much better than the last time he saw me naked, and a swimsuit is as close as he will ever get to seeing me naked again... so I want to look incredible!

The second event is that I am planning a trip to Mexico for some time in April or May.  I still need to speak with my ex about dates, but I'm hopeful that something can be worked out.  I want to look rockin in a bathing suit for that trip!  I want to feel 100% comfortable sitting out on the beach, especially since I will likely be going alone.

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