Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 75

Got my run in yesterday afternoon, it was a really good one as well. I was able to run for 8 minutes, walk 1, run 8, walk 1, run 8, and then another little walk. That is a total of 24 minutes running, with only 3 short breaks!!! I am so very close to running straight through, it is going to be great when I finally do that!!! My time isn't going to be great for 5km, but I at least will do it. Which reminds me, I had better get myself registered for the run!!!

Other than that, my eating has been pretty bad this week. With trying to pack, and deal with the boys, I don't really have the time to make good meals. It will be nice to get back to healthier eating when all this is done. Only one more week till I am out of this house!!!

I have had a lot of comments lately about how I look. Friends who haven't seen me in a while are shocked at how much weight I have lost, it is a wonderful feeling. I look in the mirror and see a totally different person, one that I have missed for 12 years. That's right, it has been over 12 years since I have been under 150lbs, that is a long time. Here's hoping I can break below 140lbs for September, only 6.5lbs to go.


  1. I didn't know you were a runner! How awesome! I keep trying to make myself really commit to it, but I make every excuse in the book! :P

    Moving is hard- don't beat yourself up about the diet right now. Just make the best chices you can, and be sure to stock your new house with a healthy pantry!

  2. Thanks MC. I have wanted to do a 5km race for many, many years, and a friend mentioned the one in Canmore back when I first started working out in June. So, here I am :)

    I know the eating will get better, and my weight loss so far has been wonderful (I actually realized I have lost my MDS Bug!,he's 34lbs), it's just frustrating to see it stall right now. Only another week!!!
